The Talented Miss Farwell by Emily Gray Tedrowe

You may have heard of the case of Rita Crundwell, former comptroller of Dixon, Illinois who was convicted of embezzling about $54 million over the twenty-some years she worked for the city.  Despite some obvious similarities, this is NOT that story.

Instead it’s the story of Becky Farwell, of Pierson, Illinois, still living on the family farm, working for the city of Pierson, and best friends with Ingrid, one of her high school classmates.  It’s also the story of Reba, art collector and artist sponsor, wearing designer clothes in her Chicago condo and New York galleries as she hobnobs with other wealthy art collectors.  AND, it’s a story of obsession . . . the thrill of discovering the “activity” that funds her new passion for art, the satisfaction of acquiring a new piece for her collection and the constant fear of being caught.  

Place a hold on this title.