
Check Out e-Books and e-Audio

Hudson Public Library has access to three different gateways for online digital content: eReadIllinois through Boundless (formerly Axis360), the Alliance Digital Media Library through Libby, and Inkie.org, a platform with content from Illinois authors that includes a suite of publishing tools for aspiring authors. To access Boundless or Libby you will need your library card number and PIN. Anyone in Illinois can access Inkie.org at any time and access all content without restrictions.

For best results on a phone or tablet, download the Boundless and Libby apps from your app store. Stop by the library with your device for help with Boundless and Libby apps.

Please call the library for help with your PIN.

You can read from a browser using the links below or the links in the Quicklinks menu. Help with the Boundless platform can be found here.

Libby link