We would like to acknowledge the volunteers of the Hudson History Room at the Hudson Area Public Library, who began organizing historical information passed along to them in 1995 when the Library was being constructed. Thanks to the many people who have donated items and information of historical value. If it were not for the donations of both items and stories, we would not have the abundance of information available for your viewing.
The information contained in this guide is just a sketch of the history available in the Library’s Hudson History Room. Although we endeavor to record accurate information, some of our sources have come from word of mouth and print sources.
The Hudson History Club was formed in 2001. Meetings are held in the Community Room of the Hudson Area Public Library on the 3rd Monday of each month, February through October, at 7:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend these informal and always informative meetings.
While not on the Walking Tour, the icehouse pictured above is located behind the house at 702 S. Broadway Street. It is believed to have been built in the 1890’s.
History never looks like history when you are living through it.
John W. Gardner (1912 – 2002)