9. Golden Goose Building

113 N. Front Street

Photo of Golden Goose then
Golden Goose then

This building is the oldest business building in Hudson, as it survived the 1914 fire which destroyed several businesses on Front Street. Billy May built it as a pool hall in about 1893. Jack Frost operated the pool hall before the building was sold to Bert McNeilly and Hurshel Johnson in the early 1930’s for a grocery store. McNeilly moved away and sold out to Johnson within a year, and Johnson continued operating the Blue-Ribbon Grocery until the late 1950’s.

The building was then owned by Carl Burress. It was first a restaurant in 1964, and after the restaurant closed, Burress opened Burress Marine Sales in 1967. Frank Lipscomb bought the building to continue marine sales. He moved his business to a larger building and a woodworking business operated in the building for a short time. John and Rita Green bought the building and sold wood burning stoves. The Greens sold the building to Steve and Judith Lampert in 1982. The Lamperts completely gutted the lower level and salvaged some of the original flooring. Wainscotting was added, and some new flooring was installed. A partition was added for a storage area. While installing ceiling tile, it was discovered that the width of the building gradually became narrower to the east by 2 feet. Judith opened an antique store named The Golden Goose in November 1987. She operated the antique business until the fall of 2009. The Lamperts have leased the lower part of the building since 2012. It is currently a beauty parlor. 

There has been an apartment in the upper level since the early 1940’s.

Photo of Golden Goose now
Golden Goose now

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